This is the Goodie Galore Pak from Sears. It was available from 1970 - 1973. The product number was #1518 - #1521. There were different versions. There is a closed-toe version, a pilgrim version, and a t-strip shoe version. It comes with the following items
- Hangers: Barbie - colors vary
- Hat: turquoise
- Hat: yellow with red visor
- tennis racket
- tennis ball
- mirror: paper
- sundae: chocolate
- sunglass: red
- sunglass: blue
- sunglass: pink
- purse: white
- purse: turquoise
- lash brush - in white or black
- sneakers: white
- skates: red
- roller skates: white
- boots: rain - turquoise
- ballerina slipper: pink
- shoes - 8 pairs colors are white, yellow, green, orange, blue, raspberry, black and pink